Taking it in, I tried making a turning point while being in a battling standpoint between dark and light. There were some struggling human souls who I strived to turn their perspectives sooner into the light. I kept trying and it left me scattered.
I turned to realize that my power in turning their perspectives swiftly was relatively small and almost worthless. What I had left was a seed of spring.
Looking at myself and out there, perspectives of human souls are like plants. They take time to grow gradually turning into a blossom with a glow.
As the way the world goes, planting a seed can be powerful. Some human souls may be in the dark like I have experienced myself. They are open for life.
A while ago my soul was struggling in a cloudy haze. I turned to myself searching deep inside and found the seed of a positive perspective. And I planted it in my thoughts. This led my mind and heart to glow and open to seeing the light.
This seed carried my encouragement in having an open heart and mind, and my outlook from my struggles into healing. These were what were in the seed, and it was a light.
Even if a land of countless human souls may be seen as too vast, but planting a seed where it could lift a perspective into a glowing blossom would still be worth it nonetheless.
Who knows? There could be other seeds of light that have been planted too. With this, it could lift our perspective to grow more open our mind and heart to feel a glow.
As I have been realizing, changing a perspective to bring a glow to one’s own heart can be a long journey. Who knows? Keeping on planting seeds could lift us into full spring where our hearts glow in diverse colors. The glowing blossom would appear heart by heart. The light could spread and flourish far beyond from side to side where it would leave me with a teardrop and in awe.