Invest in your mental health. There are counseling services for deaf individuals. National Deaf Therapy ( Deaf Counseling Center ( Or your local services
Visual Description/ Transcript: (click to expand)
The main character looks at himself through the side mirror of a car outside on the street: Main: I am tired of being depressed so often. (turns to look at something off the screen) Oh, hi! Friend: Generally, people do go through ups and downs like I do. In the past, I had a session with a counselor and it helped me to get better. Main: Blah, I’d rather drink and get buzzed to escape mentally and chill. Friend: Some people assume that mental health counselors are for those who are weak or crazy, but really it’s for anyone including myself as a strong person. Main: Me? See a counselor? Umm, why don’t we just drink and chill? Friend: I would suggest try seeing a counselor. If it turns out not to be helpful, you can drop it later. Main: Alright, let’s see. I will give it a try. Drinking alcohol is still hard to resist. In an office: Counselor: We’ve had counseling sessions for a few weeks now. You are making some progress. That’s good. I will see you again next week, Ok? Main: Ok. My mouth is still dry. Outside at the front door and in the rain: Main: Rain?! Should I drink a little to relax? Wait! I was advised that if anything negative occurs, I need to psychologically shift my thinking by doing something healthy that I enjoy to help boost myself up. (steps forward) While passing buildings outside in the rain: Main: (sings) As the rain drops, whether outside or in me internally are dark, I must focus on one step at a time which will lead me beyond. Some bird poop falls on Main’s cheek. Main wipes it off and sees what is on their hand. Main: Bird poop?! Why? Wait, I guess as long as I perceive it as good luck. (sighs) Main: (sings) As the wind blows against me, remember that reaching the mountain top cannot teach as much as hitting bottom where one can learn to thrive! (gets distracted) Driver: Move! Can’t you hear the horn honks? Main: Oh, I can’t hear. Driver: (mocks the sign by gesturing) Look out! (drives away) Main: Peace! (with a smile) Grr! Should I drink now to help myself to relax? Gotta stop that and forget about it. (steps forward) Main: I am going to film myself venting. (puts his phone in front of him) On the computer screen: Main: (sings) As the light is shining on me, the secret of how to make your life beautiful is only when you change your perspective and leave the negative out will you see what is beautiful. This will lift you in the light. The comments appear, MissFoxy: You used to be beautiful. Now you look like a troll.” With a GIF of a guy’s face showing disgust. “SomeDude: I’d rather look at a strobe light than watch you sing.” With the GIF of a guy closing eyes to strobe light flashes. “Meanie77: Why did God create you? Ew!” With the GIF of a woman reacting with a bitter facial expression. Outside the building in the rain: Main: (puts the phone away) Wait a moment. Remember I was advised the way to achieve a peace of mind is to filter and set boundaries to put the focus on health. (takes a deep breath and mediates, then steps forward) Main: (sings) As it rains and the wind goes against me, pushing through isn’t easy. (gets distracted) A billboard shows a person with a bottle of alcohol in their hand with the logo alcoholic drinks “BoozeBest.” Billboard Person: Do you want to drink good alcohol? Go and buy this! (freezes in the pose) Main: Wait, I have been depending on that and just muddling though. (Puts their hand over their eyes and walks away) Main: (sings) Wandering through the trees, the spring of flowers blossoming would never happen if not for the rain. Darkness has been moved behind me because I am focusing on mental health as a shining light on me. Does it mean that from now on I will resist seeing a counselor? No, I will open myself up to them. (gets distracted) A tornado appears with flashes of lightning. Main: I have made it this far, and now you are next! (steps forward with smile)