Performer: I don’t want letter signs! No letter signs! The image of a slashed O appears over the phrase “letter signs”. Performer: We want humans, oops, “bodies” to be in unity and empathy. The background of the spring scene appears. The text “letter-free signs” appears. Performer: Spring is here. The plants are growing. (The signs for spring, plants, and growing are the same.) The background of the kitchen appears. Performer: Let’s cook pancakes in the kitchen. (The signs for cook, pancakes, and kitchen are the same.) The background of the refrigerator in front of the wintery scene appears. Performer: Let’s open the refrigerator to feel the cold breeze as the winter air. (The signs for refrigerator, cold, and winter are the same.) The text “No Letter, Yes Spell” appears. The background of the 18 wheel truck appears. Performer: As I drove the truck, oops, truck, (the sign “truck” was replaced with fingerspelling). The background of the river appears. Performer: I was inspired by the beautiful view of the river, oops, river (The sign “river” was replaced with fingerspelling). The background of the ocean appears. Performer: And I saw nearby the beautiful scenic ocean, oops, ocean (the sign “ocean” was replaced with fingerspelling). I keep trucking on. The background of cleaning letters out appears. Performer: Go clean letter signs out! Clean them up more! Guess what? They provide resources, oops, things (the letter sign of “resources” was corrected by eliminating it and turning into the sign “things” including equipment, oops, things (the letter sign of “equipment was corrected by eliminating it and turning into the sign “things”), plus materials, oops, things (the letter sign of “materials” was corrected by eliminating it and turning into the sign "things") to make things better! Do you know that resource, equipment, material, and thing have different meaning? I don’t care! Oh, ok! Things! The background of the old school chalk kind of a board appears. Performer: No letter signs at all! Two hears appear in the back of the performer. Performer: Aw The text, “Got the hint?” Appears with the winking emoji.