Happen (verb) vs Coincidentally (adverb)
Hit (verb) vs Suddenly/ Out of the blue (adverb) Wrong (adjective) vs Unexpectedly/ Accidentally (adverb) |
Happen vs Coincidentally Verb: Games happen during the summer. Adverb: Coincidentally I won the game. Verb: Rain happened yesterday. Adverb: Coincidentally it is raining now. Hit vs Suddenly Verb: The phone fell and hit the floor. Adverb: Suddenly I lost the phone. Verb: I saw the lightweight strike. Adverb: Suddenly I saw lightning. Wrong vs Unexpectedly Adjective: They brought the wrong laptop. Adverb: Unexpectedly the laptop broke down. Adjective: I deleted the wrong number. Adverb: Accidentally I deleted the number. |